Wednesday, October 17, 2012

stories to melt your heart

Our agency, Holt International, is gearing up for National Adoption Month (which runs through November) and sent out links to their blog. As always, I was touched as I read stories of new waiting children, kids recently brought home, and recollections from adult adoptees.

As I read about a brother and sister in East Africa who are looking for a family to love them my heart melted. Jared, older brother to Gabby, has looked after his little sister since their mother passed away shortly after she was born. She is now 7 and he is 16. I gazed at their pictures, of course asked myself, "Is this something that God has for us?" (this question comes to my mind A LOT) Then I began thinking about their lives. Here is this child, who at 9 years old cared for his younger sister. nine. My heart was wrought thinking about how he had to grow up so quickly. They are just waiting for a family. I wonder what emotions ran through their hearts and heads as the person on the other side of the that lens said, "Ok, we are going to take some pictures to help find you a family. Smile."


Here is a story from an adult adoptee who explains why she has chosen to forgive her birth family. I love reading adult adoptee's thoughts as I hope they will guide me as I help Haneul walk through the many questions that she will ask as she grows up. While she explains how her adoption has made her question a lot of things, she says that she now honors her birth mother's choice to give her up. I loved this part the most, "My adopted parents are my parents, not my “adopted” parents. I have two mothers—one who gave me life and the other who let me live it." 

That quote brought to my mind the fact that Haneul was relinquished from her birth mother shortly after her birth. As we celebrated her second birthday I can't help but think about her birth mother in Korea. Somewhere I imagine her thinking about her decision and I wish that I could tell her that her sweet, joyful girl is safe and well loved.

1 comment:

Erin Fabry said...

She is sooo well loved Christe! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, you have such a big heart and strong determination. I was looking at your timeline going, "Wow, she made it through quite the process!" Haneul is in wonderful hands with you, and I'm sure she will have kind words to share about you as an adult, just like Juliet :).