Sunday, October 14, 2012

haneul is 2!

On Friday Haneul turned two! All day we kept asking her, "How old are you?" and Beniah had fun teaching her how to say "Two!".
check out that bed head! EVERY morning her hair is crazy~

Daddy had the day off (thanks fall break!) and was able to treat all of us to banana pancakes for breakfast.

her eyes get big for food

Beniah was very excited for her birthday party and helped in anyway he could to get ready. Haneul likes to color (she even colors the wall!! :/ ) so we had crayon crazy celebration. I saw some cool rainbow cakes on we tried our hand. Beniah helped me make and decorate.

The party was at one of my favorite parks. Its has a big open field and a good sized playground. We had a couple friends stop by for some fun outdoors. The weather was beautiful-we experienced a cold front this weekend so it actually felt like fall!

Papa helping the kids with the chalk

I took like 5 shots of this scene...this was the best one. I like Eli's surprised expression.

the Reyes big kids having their hand at bags

Terrance with his "baketball"
checking out the scrapbook of our trip to meet Haneul. It came just in time on Saturday morning!

Jackson and his basketball :)

Bryce doing double duty

Eli and Haneul both snacking away

Cory with his crayon art project

Missy helped man the station. E is for Emma!

waiting in line

I think what Haneul looked forward to the most was her cake. We've limited her sweets (compared to what I think she was used to in her foster family) so she could not wait to get a bite of that sweet goodness!

Beniah and Rylan with the baby dolls
Once we got home, Beniah helped Haneul play with her new fun toys.
dress up from Papa and Janet

so sweet

picking shoes to complete the outfit

she showed Dave every outfit she tried on!

feeding and rocking their baby dolls to sleep


Eileen Short said...

Awww! So adorable! Happy Birthday Haneul! Beniah looks like an awesome big brother, and she looks like so much the crazy morning hair!
We'd love to hang out soon. Tuesdays and Thursdays work for us. (And I must find out the name of that park.) said...

Happy birthday Haneul! :)