Monday, September 10, 2012

getting to know you...

Haneul is a very happy girl who loves to jump around and lives to play. So far she has taken an interest in Pororo, legos, cars, following her oppa, coloring, singing, and dancing. She shouts "ball" (in Korean) anytime she sees one and loves to throw them around (daddy is excited!). In fact, she was yelling at all the red stone circles at Target today and was quite upset that she could not play with them.

fun with daddy

We had to visit Pororo land before we left..both the kids had a blast and we basically had the place to ourselves because we got there pretty late. They ran crazy for almost two solid hours. My favorite part: a replica of Pororo's house that you could play in. The kid's favorite part: the ball pit...something we could find anywhere! lol..

riding the pororo train

looking out Pororo's window
climbing through the window..


Unknown said...

What an AWESOME blessing!
SO THANKFUL and STOKED for Team LePeau

Bethany Cermak said...

So happy for you guys! Not sure if I've shared this before but a former coworker of mine has a blog about adopting their daughter from China, they already had 3 kids so she talks a lot about how the adjustment has been for each of them. They've had their daughter for almost a year now so it my give you some indication of what's to come!

Angel said...

So many smiles in the photos! What a blessing! Your family is beautiful!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness! oh my goodness! How have these pictures been up for 3 whole days and I didn't see them!!!! LOooooooooove them so much... It will be so tough for me not to completely smother (overwhelm) her with hugs and kisses when I meet her, but Aunt Crusher will try to control herself.