Thursday, December 13, 2012

our new normal

Since I've been back at work a lot of my regular customers have asked me how the adjustment is going and how the kids are doing. While the day to day can be very tiring, I look back and realize that we've come a long way. I had prepared myself for a difficult transition. I had read the blogs, the books, and was planning on night terrors, rejection, and difficultly connecting. And honestly its hard for me to share that she has done really well. She did reject me at first, but she now calls me mama and is especially cheerful when she greets me at the door when I pick her up. Bedtime can still be challenging, but she finds comfort in her bedtime routine.

I feel a sort of guilt that we didn't have a difficult transition. I marvel at how it seems she has accepted us as her parents. I know it is all by the grace of God (not that God's grace is only in positive things) that we have melded together as a family so quickly.

Our new normal is being a busy family of four. We have two, active, fun loving kids who love each other fiercely. Haneul still adores Beniah, desiring to be in his world. Beniah still craves alone time, especially alone time with mom or dad. Sometimes they drive each other crazy-but don't all siblings? It's beautiful really. (Remind me of that next time I look stressed because they are fighting!!)


Kristen said...

So love to hear this. It is encouraging and calms my heart. We love you all so much. Can't wait until the next time I get to see you as a family of four.

Andy L said...

Glad it's going well for you, Christe. Thanks for skyping with us. They are so great! (Oh, you too!)