Monday, November 14, 2011

package of love

about a month ago we put together a package to send to h and her foster family. in it we included a letter thanking them for their love for h and introducing ourselves a bit, a giraffe that beniah had picked out for h, some via, an arizona calendar, a jar of sonoran desert honey, prickly pear jelly, and a photo album filled with photos of our family (both nuclear and extended). i was telling dave i wanted to put together a christmas package for h & her foster family at dinner tonight and he asked me whether or not the first package had even made it. i told him that we aren't promised to be told if and when our care packages arrive..and honestly i hadn't planned on knowing, just hoping when we went to pick her up that we would find her with her giraffe.

i open up my email after dinner-and my heart skipped a beat. a new photo? she is sitting with her foster mother, foster brother and all the goodies we sent her. she is beautiful. dave and i were both speechless. i hadn't expected to receive any more photos! what a blessing.

i would love to share the photo with you, but for security sake we will have to wait. :)

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