Tuesday, January 11, 2011

district 8

an unfathomable event happened in my voting district this weekend. to be honest, i still believe arizona and tucson specifically has a lot to offer. sb1070, liberal gun laws, failing school systems and all, this is where i live. receive it, reject it or redeem it? i choose the latter.

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agentpipes said...

This is a good video. I agree with almost everything that he said, though I believe he only tells half the story. Unfortunately, the only thing that the non-Christian world has to offer is half of the story. The other half is God's sovereignty, God's holiness, and man's sinfulness. That's why I say I only agree with most of what he said. He said he hopes we never get to the place that we aren't horrified by the horrible. We (as a nation) already have. A look a the list of God-declared horrible things shows that they are overly prevalent and mostly applauded or accepted in our society: lewdness, lusts, drunkeness, revelries, drinking parties, idolatries (1 pet 4:3), fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, thieving, coveting, reviling, extorting (1 cor 6:9-10). The list in Romans 1 is even more shocking and commonplace. I believe that if those things weren't overlooked, the events of this week would be less prevalent. Just thoughts...

DC Le Peau said...

Great thoughts and totally agree, except I am unclear on how if the listed things weren't overlooked how this weekends events would be less prevalent?
