Saturday, September 18, 2010

the wedding

last month my dad got married and lots of family came into town. it was a great opportunity for some to meet b for the first time and to hang out with him. it still puzzles me how some people he warms up to right away (like my grandma and aunt diane) and others he prefers not to entertain.

in any event, beniah was supposed to be the ring bearer (which i knew wasn't going to turn out well), but he was so frightened he wouldn't let go of jojo, our babysitter and self proclaimed older brother of b. so jojo and b walked down together~actually pretty funny to watch. and then right in the middle of the service while i was holding him, beniah bent down, picked up a tortilla chip, and then "CRUNCH".

he certainly keeps life interesting. he came alive during the dancing, since beniah can't resist a good beat. he here is with his entourage trying to get him to do the twist. still makes me giggle to see his little body try to twist from side to side.

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