i am posting my top five talks because i realized a while ago that i never saved them to the web so when i posted links in earlier blogs...those links didn't work with out permission. i got my first request for permission to read, got overly excited, and decided if one person wants to read one maybe i'll re-post them all!
i understand that speeches/sermons/talks are always better live. honestly, if you can't hear them live, at least get the video, if you can't get the video, at least get the podcast, if you can't get the podcast...well here they are.
ok who am i trying to kid, i only really have done 6 featured talks and the one of them isn't saved to the web yet. so...my top five talks!
1. Pure Sex -
a talk i gave to intervarsity christain fellowship at the university of arizona, this is also a promo for revolution, my church, which will launch on september 13 with a series of the same name!
2. Growing Life -
my latest sermon which addressed where i felt our church was coming from, where i believed us to be currently and what i hope for us in the future.
3. 8 Goals for the Next 8 Years -
my eighth grade promotion speech for the academy of tucson (who as far as i know still doesn't have a web site!). it was exciting, delivered to the largest group i have ever spoken in front of. i think the best compliment i got for this one was a mom who said, "wow, that wasn't just for the kids was it!"
4. Should Birds of a Feather Flock Together? -
another talk to intervarsity of the u of a...they invited me back, so that's good, but from what i understand is some places wont invite you back if you are real controversial...so maybe that will be my next goal. however, i thought this talk on race was at least a little controversial.
5. A Story Like No Other -
given at revolution and from my perspective, my least effective sermon, but still a topic i see as relevant. a story like no other is based off of paul's testimony at the end of acts and it's about knowing and sharing your story.
I really got a lot out of your "birds of a feather" talk. Were these ranked in order? Because if so, I think that one should be higher up on the list. Even if I have only heard two of the five. :-)
thanks jess! christe listed them for me, maybe that one was lower becaue it was a while ago...ya know, not as fresh! although, i think it was my favorite one to write.
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