we returned sunday afternoon from our vacation and family reunion in fremont, michigan. dave loves, loves, LOVES, fremont lake. he spent many summers there as a child and would give anything for time at the lake-even a 35+ hour car ride with two dogs and a baby. crazy right? but, i do have to admit, i've fallen in love with the lake as well.
the lepeaus have been getting together for a family reunion every two years long before i joined the family. (i'm not completely sure when they started, but i know dave was a kid) i have been to a total of two and have thourghly enjoyed both of them. it has been so much fun watching the kids in the family grow up-and now that i have my own it is even more meaningful for all the cousins and family to spend time together.
while at the lake, dave and i were able to steal some time together away from the family and beniah. since i am an introvert, my mother in law is constantly encouraging me to take time along-and i love it! its wonderful not to feel guilty for sometimes being a party pooper. but because of my time alone and my time spent with dave i have come back refreshed and rested. we celebrated our 3rd anniversary while on vacation. it is crazy to look back and see how much we've grown in just three years. we drove through the night taking turns driving over two days to get to and from michigan. and when dave and i would start to get frustrated with one another we were able to take a step back, acknowledge that we were both stressed and sleep deprived and move forward. i'm not sure we could have done that three years ago!
here are some of my favorite pictures