Saturday, July 14, 2012

lake fremont to do list

every summer we make the trek up to lake fremont in michigan. while this year's trip up was definitely the longest, with an unexpected stop in truth or consequences, new mexico to buy new tires and another tire mishap on the way from denver to fremont, it was still worth all the memories we created.

blowing a tire just before midnight on our first leg

fun in the car to pass the time

having a blast at the amusement park in denver

his first roller coaster ride-he loved it!

tubing with mama

fireworks on the lake

b, daddy, and poppo

 fishing with daddy

his first catch! "a beniah size fish"
fun with floaties on dry land

 sprinkler time to cool off (from 100 degree heat!)
wait for it..

uninhibited excitement

go luke go..go luke gooo!

off roading to dodge a major build up of traffic

pit stop at new holland brewery

cinnamon rolls from the amish bakery

dominate the floatie in water


boat ride with the fines


settlers of catan


tattoo time!

swinging over the lake

 watching mimi ski

picking blueberries

play in the hammock with the uncle dave monster

cousin hammock time

 loving on baby gabriel

 baking cookies with mimi

game time with poppo

wraglers breakfast

paddleboat with mimi

looking forward to next summer already!

1 comment: said...

of course i could comment on all the baby cute-ness--- but i have to say, my favorite pic of the bunch is of grandma and grandpa lepeau! :) so sweet. :)