Wednesday, May 26, 2010


i am preaching this saturday at revolution on nehemiah 15-22. in preparation i read this book sabbath by dan allender, a very unique book. one might think an entire book on the sabbath would dive into its history, it would reference a number of the 70 or so passages in the bible about the sabbath, but not this book, it simply helps you practice the sabbath better.

as a history guy, i look for those aforementioned things and was a little disappointed at first, but as i got into the book i began feeling, just by reading, that i was experiencing the sabbath.

i told my wife, its almost like poetry, it sucks you in to the essence of what the sabbath is about. after i read the book, i read the back. "dan allenders lyrical book about the sabbath expels the myriad myths about this 'day of rest'. that was it, a lyrical book.

christe began to read it, "wow, forget preaching, you should just sit down and read out of this book!" i guess that's how highly she thinks about my preaching. :-)

if you are looking for some aid in experiencing the sabbath, check out allander's book. if you are unsure of what the sabbath is and how its applicable to your life, come check us out at revolution, 5pm saturday night.


Andy L said...

Good recommendation.

Got the link to the sermon?

Unknown said...

are you gonna post the sermon? i'd love to listen!

DC Le Peau said...

Yes, right now. Sorry was going to do it like Sunday.